Return Illuminate Your Tasks: A Guide to Effective Task Lighting

What is Task Lighting?

Task lighting is a type of lighting that is specifically designed to illuminate common visual tasks in the home. These tasks are usually performed in smaller areas, so the lighting is localized instead of being spread out over an entire room. Examples of these tasks include reading, sewing, cooking, grooming, dressing, doing homework, laundry, and puzzles.

Why is Special Lighting Required for Tasks?

Many visual tasks can be difficult to see, especially for older eyes. Good task lighting can reduce eye strain and fatigue. There are many lighting fixtures and products that are specifically designed to illuminate task areas, making it easy to see details with minimal glare.

Tip: Take a look at the words and numbers on postage stamps, coins, or printed money under normal room light. Then, illuminate these same details with a bright flashlight. Notice how many more details can be seen with the flashlight, and how much easier it is to read or see colors.

How Can Task Lighting in the Home be Improved?

Table and floor lamps, as well as directional sconces, make excellent task lights that are easy to optimize for tackling tasks. You can install a bulb with a higher light output in the fixture, change the shade, or position an existing fixture to allow more light to fall upon the desired area. By doing so, you can improve task lighting in your home and make it easier to see details while performing visual tasks.